My Guide to Moon Meditations and Rituals

At the most basic level, my relationship to astrology has provided me a calendar to reflect on my past, observe the present, and dream big for the future. I have never been great at journalling on my own, so tapping into the energies at play around us allows me to come up with prompts that I can meditate on and process. I feel more connected to nature and to how the seasons reflect my own cycle of life. I have outlined my daily ritual routine for both a full moon and new moon. These steps are my go-to for taking time to collect myself and redirect myself towards my overall goals and desires.

New Moons: 

The moon is located between the earth and the sun.

It symbolizes the beginning of a cycle, manifestation, goal setting, and dreaming big.

Shower or bath with a scrub or salts
Select a calming playlist with 528 Hz (energy, positivity)
Light a candle- scented (typically sweet smelling or floral)
Can use a cleansing room or body spray
Gather any itens that might be inspirational (picture or flowers)

Set out crystals- my go-tos for new moons:
Selenite- peace and mental clarity
Rose quartz- love
Clear quartz- amplifying energy and intuition
Citrine- manifestation

Journal or create a list of upcoming goals AND 1-2 small steps to take to achieve them. I often will re-write any specific manifestations and bury them or keep them in a special place.
Sit for 1-5 minutes in quiet to listen to breath and anything that comes up after journalling.
Pull 3 tarot cards for my manifestations.
Express gratitude to the universe for being blessed and worthy of unlimited blessings.

Full Moons:

The earth is located between the sun and the moon.

It symbolizes completion, fertility, abundance, gratitude, and transformation.

Shower or bath with a scrub or salts
Select a calming playlist with 417 Hz (release, calming)
Light a candle- scented (typically unscented or musk)
Light sage or palo santo and cleanse body, tarot cards, crystals

Set out any crystals- my go-tos for full moons:
Black Tourmaline- grounding and protection
Pyrite- energizing and protecting the body

Journal for gratitude on what I have accomplished and write a separate note on something I would like to release. I often will burn what I would like to release.
Sit for 1-5 minutes in quiet to listen to breath and anything that comes up after journalling.
Pull 3 tarot cards for my release and action forward.
Express gratitude to the universe for being blessed and worthy of unlimited blessings.
I Set out all of my crystals as well as a mason jar of water for cleansing outside overnight. You can use the water to drink during journalling, to water plants, or add into your next bath.

As always, bloom where you are planted.


Tapping Into Your Intuition


Personal Manifestation