Personal Manifestation

I recently read that "those who practice forms of self-sabotage may do so because it allows them to predict what's going to happen, therefore, creating an illusion of self-control.”

To me, this stands true for imagining worst case scenarios and for constantly planning for disappointment- something that I am intimately familiar with and something that has been so habitual for me, it seems like a character trait. I am realizing that a massive roadblock for me being able to successfully live in the moment is the flow of intrusive thoughts. What if? What if the kids meltdown? What if l regret my decision? What if no one comes to my event? What if l embarrass myself? 

It's constant and it can be debilitating.

But the blessing of being aware of these patterns, means that I also have power to identify and change my thoughts, words, and deeds. I think the most important part of any sort of healing is to identify, to sit with, and to know that these thoughts and feelings are valid, but are no longer needed. I may have used them previously as tools of protection, but they are currently a disservice to myself both now and in the future. Without even digging into where exactly these feelings are coming from (which, I think we should do, and I fully support the partnerships of professionals in that process), we can at least identify the negative thought and say back: thank you for your help, but I don't need you anymore. I am allowed to be authentically me and to be vulnerable. I am strong enough to enter into an unknown experience and deal with the outcomes, no matter how beautiful, or uncomfortable, or scary.

This brings me to my current manifestation journey. It started with a deeply reflective 21 week long abundance challenge, and I followed it up with a powerful manifestation workshop. The information I received was all about identifying, forgiving, and releasing the negative influences on my mental wellbeing. In many of my problematic situations, it's ME getting out of MY way. For bountiful opportunities to be presented to me, for new relationships to form, and for successful outcomes to manifest, I need to absolutely believe that these blessings already exist and that I am worthy of them- AND I AM! 

You are too. 

The universe and energy that surrounds us will match what we put out into the world. Projecting positivity and optimism doesn't mean that we will be immune to mistakes or to painful experiences, but it does mean that we will be in deeper relationship with ourselves and that we can trust ourselves to conquer, grow, and to reach out for help when needed.

In taking your own first steps towards claiming responsibility for your own happiness and for living out your values, let's consider the following:

  • Identify the individual(s) or ideas/habits who often get in the way of your happiness or positive thoughts. You might be your own worst enemy. Take small baby steps to set boundaries or remove these people or ideas/habits from your daily life.

  • Write down your goals and even detail small steps towards that goal. Write down your manifestations SPECIFICALLY (dream big!) and keep them in a place to remind you. I do this (in my wallet) and I have found that in two-year cycles, I have completely manifested my written goal(s).

  • Pray or set your manifestation out loud and in writing. Give these manifestations up to God, to Spirit, to the Universe, or to Energy. You can continue to come back to your prayer and mantra, but also, live life in the moment, and know that the higher powers have it handled- they/it has already blessed you with it.

In the meantime, consider the following activities for preserving your energy:

  • Find a few minutes to meditate and sit with feelings that come up or with any thoughts or messages that might be given to you in quiet. I create 5 minute meditations on my YouTube Channel.

  • Explore more about how astrological occurrences can affect you and your sign personally. My absolute go-to is the CHANI APP and Chani’s YouTube Channel. These are, at the very least, opportunities to encourage you to plan, dream, reflect, refine, and surrender- what's better than that?

  • Grounding activities can be especially helpful. Take a salt bath, make a warm drink, read your favorite poem out loud, or go outside to feel the sun on your face.

In love, bloom where you are planted.


My Guide to Moon Meditations and Rituals


Creating Space