Tapping Into Your Intuition

Your intuition is that gut feeling you have that’s tied deeply to your true soul and interconnection to all things within the universe. We can receive messages or hunches based on energy that we pick up from any given sitation or interaction with another living thing. In strengthening your relationship with you intuition, you can better goal set, manifest, and make decisions- clearly and with confidence. 

I run an in-depth workshop on energy clearing through movement and meditation, which is paired with my course on tips for tapping into your intuition. Below are a few tips to marinate on before doing some deeper work! These steps are talked about in great detail in my intuition workshops.

**What ways do you hear your voice?

First, consider taking a quiz on finding your intuitive Clair


  1. Download- is my message a personal fear or intrusive thought? If not, we can trust it. 

  2. Breath through the first wave. You may be taking on a group or individuals energy that’s not your own. 

  3. Trust the second wave for your inner voice and write down any feelings. Let your energy settle and document!

  4. Pay attention to bodily sensations. Butterflys, upset stomach, lump in throat, tingling, etc. 

  5. Peace and pause through the letdown. You’re so excited, then limiting beliefs come in and tell you to stop. Breathe through it. 


  1. Must break down limiting beliefs of your identity. We are CALLED to take risks and to take a “dare” to be able to transform and change!

2. Imposter Syndrome. Let’s break the chains of individuals, institutions, and systems that make you feel that you haven’t done enough to be a leader or influential figure. If the thought came to you, you were meant for it!

3. Outside voices or feelings that creep in or are directly said to us by others- we confuse them with our own. 

4. Fear of failure or self sabotage to be who others think we are- this is not a growth mindset and it’s too safe. We know what the expectation will be when we fail and it can actually feel safer to do so (it’s less work too!). This is also known as a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

5. Hierarchy of needs- your mind is going to try to take you to a place of priority. You are going to focus on the now (shelter, nourishment, kids, work, to-dos). You do have to carve out space and practice before it becomes more habitual in your life.


  1. Be specific! You need to be VERY clear on what you want.

  2. DREAM BIG, who said you weren’t made for the very best?!

  3. Create a step by step forward and visualize it often- create bite size steps forward to achieve big things.

  4. Give it up to something- God, ancestors, the universe- you name it and hand the stress over!

  5. Check back in with movement and then pause- create a moon ritual, journal prompts, weekly meditation, yoga, etc. 

    As always, bloom where you are planted 


Space for Ceremony


My Guide to Moon Meditations and Rituals