Breaking the lce

I was first exposed to yoga around the age of ten when I bought a book on asana and Ayurvedic foods from a tag sale. Why? Who knows, but I do feel like it was destined. With no prior knowledge, l was truly mesmerized by the shapes. As a gymnast, I loved the challenge of the asana and spent many a day practicing contorting my body. It was fun- there were absolutely no expectations and I was given the space to play around and explore.

Fast forward five years later and I was invited to my very first yoga class. One of my best friends took me to a hot class a few towns away where her family member taught. It certainly was hot. It was dark, I was so confused, but I was enamored. It was magical to be challenged in a safe and focused space. Let's face it, I also felt really grown up and cool participating in something that adults had seemed to figure out was worth it. That said, high school, college, and grad school was a major blur. So much experience with very little wisdom. This time in my life brought me the highest peaks, but not without valleys sprinkled in, where l experienced overwhelming moments of anxiety and crippling stress.

But then, yoga came back to me when I lived by myself in the DC area. Although I was working and was surrounded by friends, I felt that I had very little direction or peace in my life. I found a small yoga studio in my neighborhood and immediately latched onto the sense of community, discipline, and strength. By the time my now husband and I decided we needed nature full-time and moved to Colorado, yoga was a part of me, and I never looked back. 

After meditating on my belief that I can connect my passion for education and coaching into all things in my life, I took my yoga teacher training and have continued my education with yoga, Reiki, and energy healing throughout the past eight years. I am now a mother of two amazing children, I work in my community, and I am also very committed to answering this deep, relentless calling to serve others through yoga and energy movement. I am overjoyed to start sharing my passion and purpose with my friends, family, and individuals around the world. 

We are most certainly all on this crazy journey together, and life is beautiful for sure, but it can also feel excruciatingly unfair and cruel. Iā€™m here to hold space to those wishing to become more flexible both physically and emotionally. I am here to help you ignite your own light, and I am here to provide gentle guidance in bringing your awareness to your own purpose and truth.

In love, bloom where you are planted.


Staying In Touch


Roles We Play