Begin Your Transformation Journey

I’m Sara Knetemann and this is Arcadia Yoga & Wellness. Everyone has a unique purpose on this earth. We experience patterns in our life that provide us the opportunity to become our best selves. I believe passionately that we must invest in our own health and wellness before we can help others. I provide services to balance and harness your energy to become the most authentic version of yourself.

You are worth it!

Plan your yoga practice

Find a flow that fits your schedule

I teach yoga at a community studio, post themed classes to my YouTube channel, and I am available to book private sessions for individuals and groups. Check out what practice will work for you!

Discover a lifestyle that supports your

PASSION- ignite your inner life force

PURPOSE- use your energy for good

POTENTIAL- trust your path and creation

Receive gentle guidance

Balance your energy and tap into your insight

I practice the healing technique of Reiki and I am an Intuitive Tarot Reader. Decide which healing path you would like to take, or maybe explore it all!


Tapping into Your Intuition Workshop

Save the Date! Friday, October 11; 5:30- 8:00pm

@ Buka Yoga in Castle Rock, CO

Women’s Circle: Welcome to All

Monthly at 6:00pm- see exact dates at

From the Journal


I want to hear from you!

Please message me with any requests OR sign up to receive email notifications for upcoming events and workshops!